Interview with Author Indranil Roy (Towards Literature)
Interview with Author Indranil Roy
"Decoding Life Post 8/11"& "The Man Behind The Teacher's Desk"
1)Please give a brief introduction of yourself.
I am a teacher by profession and a writer by passion. In contrary to the popular belief of those who know me, I am an introvert. I love to live in my own world. Every day I watch a few episodes of 'Tom & Jerry' and it is refreshing to say the least.
2)How your writing journey started & at which pace you feel yourself presently?
I started writing from twelfth standard. At that time my focus was on poetry and short stories. I took up writing seriously since 2016. It took me a year to finish my first novel 'The Man Behind the Teacher's Desk' which gave me the confidence that I can write. A year and a half later I published my second novel, 'Decoding Life Post 8/11' and now once again year and a half later I am set to publish my first thriller fiction 'Strangers She Never Met'. I still considering myself to be one struggling author who is trying his best to make a mark.
3)Imagine, You are not an Author. What is Literature to you,then?
Whether I am an author or not, literature will always remain as a mirror of the society to me and at the center of my life.
4)What is more important, To Invest in publishing or To promote among readers? Justify your answer.
Actually, I think writing an engaging tale is more important. Then comes the task of promoting it in order to take it to the readers.
5)Do you believe, An Author is an Entrepreneur? If yes, give an example.
Presently an author has to play diverse roles, one of them is of an Entrepreneur. It is the age of advertisement and commercialization. So, a writer can not swim against the tide to remain viable enough.
6)Being an experienced and well prominent Author, Have you ever elucidate what the readers expect from an author or what they want to read?
Readers expect an engaging read that's worth his/her money and time.
7)What's your favourite genre? Any comment.
My favourite genre is thriller. Since my childhood, I have been fascinated by the exponents of this genre and this led my pen to jot down my first thriller, 'Strangers She Never Met'.
8)Any message for readers to encourage them to move Towards Literature.
Literature is a delight in itself. It helps in a better understanding of life. At times it also provides an escape route from the mundane troubles. So keep reading to redefine yourself.
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"A Step Forward Towards Literature"
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