Book Review (Random Subterrean) by Towards Literature

Book: Random Subterrean
Author: Sabarna Roy

Rating: 4.4
Title: Chaotic But Alluring

Every book has a meaning in its name & this one have too. As the name itself uttering that the content might be arbitrary. It's an union of opinions & observations which results in various forms of writing like short stories,poems,letters,quotations & poetry. Paucity of connection is found in between different chapters & topics, I think this is because of justification to title. You can call it an art or good narrating skill of author for maintaining balance among different attributes of writing. With the variety in nature & type of subject, this book may allure you. The detachment from one subject to another makes it chaotic. Urge to have good editing departs it from the level of best. 


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