
Showing posts from March, 2020

Book Review (A Life To Die For) by Towards Literature

Book: A Life To Die For Author: Nilay Shah Rating: 4.4 ✨ Title: Crime Physiological Thriller Title is outstanding. In fact, it is the foremost impression. Author creates a suspense in the very first sight (Title & Sub-Title) but if we go through by their name, both are contradictory to each-other. For the time being, let's assume that is an inspirational read (As I thought by reading the title), its subtitle (Beware of Itself) is reflecting a sense of thriller, mystery, suspense or something like physiological content. Okay, Don't put yourself in dilemma. Let me make it clear, It's story which I would like to name as a crime physiological thriller after reading and analysing. No doubt !!! Many questions got answer but I find myself in the deep chasm of thoughts about humanity. Well, it was the demand of story but somewhere such heinous crimes exists in the world. Thus, author could create such fictional story, characters and all. The things I liked from the boo...

Interview with Author Bidisha Ghosal (Towards Literature)

Interview with Author Bidisha Ghosal "The Rape Trial"   1)People usually introduce themselves by name. As an author, what's different in your introduction?     I think I have the same run-of-the-mill self-introduction. My name, followed up by what I do (though, the thing that I do keeps changing). I have to admit, the reactions I get might not be run-of-the-mill. Everyone shows a burst of excitement upon knowing that I write fiction, and they immediately want to know what I'm writing about (something that at least for this book took me a long time to articulate), and then they want to know when the book would be out (this is the main reason I won't be admitting to anyone in the future if I'm working on a new book). I started wishing that I had something else to say other than 'writer'. Introductions were something I dreaded soon after I began working on this book. 2)"The Rape Trial", not just a book but a st...

Interview with Author Indranil Roy (Towards Literature)

Interview with Author Indranil Roy "Decoding Life Post 8/11"& "The Man Behind The Teacher's Desk" 1)Please give a brief introduction of yourself. I am a teacher by profession and a writer by passion. In contrary to the popular belief of those who know me, I am an introvert. I love to live in my own world. Every day I watch a few episodes of 'Tom & Jerry' and it is refreshing to say the least. 2)How your writing journey started & at which pace you feel yourself presently? I started writing from twelfth standard. At that time my focus was on poetry and short stories. I took up writing seriously since 2016.  It took me a year to finish my first novel 'The Man Behind the Teacher's Desk' which gave me the confidence that I can write. A year and a half later I published my second novel, 'Decoding Life Post 8/11' and now once again year and a half later I am set to publish my first thriller fiction 'St...

Interview with Author Devika (Towards Literature)

Interview with Author Devika Das "The Mind Game" 1)Dear Author, please give us a brief introduction. I am working in an IT company in Hyderabad plus an author and a theater artiste. I started writing since the age of 13. What began as a hobby, graduated into blogging and I published my first book ‘7 Vows of Marriage’ on Kindle. 2)As far as we can assume, "The Mind Game" can be a mysterious or thriller. Please unveil this assumption. Not at all. The Mind Game is a Non-Fiction, self -improvement book which talks about the concept of Emotional Intelligence. The book description goes: Happiness, stress, ecstasy or depression, it’s all a mind game. As long as our mind is  under our control, everything else is. That’s what The Mind Game is all about. It is not an average self-help book that preaches life-enhancing methodologies based on complex science or long philosophical verses. The book’s genius lies in its simplicity. It offers quick, act...

Interview with Author Payal Kumar (Towards Literature)

Interview with Author Payal Kumar "Sondai-The Dowager Bride" 1) When you interact with someone, what's the first thing you do? I prefer listening with less or no intention to reply or react to the other person as I am a better listener than a speaker and also I believe that listening to anyone is one of the most sincere forms of respect that one can give to other. I am a writer and listening is the secret to discover great stories. 2) What inspired you to write your book, "Sondai-The Dowager Bride"?  I may look like an ultra-urban woman, but I somehow believe that rural ways and interpretation of day to day life is strongly inspirational and very much spellbinding. In fictions of almost all genres, we have completely moved to cities now forgetting our villages. I am deeply connected to my roots and soil. Also I have not yet come across any Maithili driven book or stories in English language. Maithili is my mother tongue and I am a Maith...

Book Review (Random Subterrean) by Towards Literature

Book: Random Subterrean Author: Sabarna Roy Rating: 4.4 Title: Chaotic But Alluring Every book has a meaning in its name & this one have too. As the name itself uttering that the content might be arbitrary. It's an union of opinions & observations which results in various forms of writing like short stories,poems,letters,quotations & poetry. Paucity of connection is found in between different chapters & topics, I think this is because of justification to title. You can call it an art or good narrating skill of author for maintaining balance among different attributes of writing. With the variety in nature & type of subject, this book may allure you. The detachment from one subject to another makes it chaotic. Urge to have good editing departs it from the level of best. 

Book Review (Charioteer Creatures In Mind) by Towards Literature

The best is always within us, we only need to keep searching for it: Abhishek Mishra Book: Charioteer Creatures In Mind Author: Abhishek Mishra Rating: 3.7 ✨ Title: A Talk To Your Mind Anyone can find it, a book utterly based on mind by its cover and name. No, none is wrong in one's perception as this book deals with the rules, reactions and outcomes of mind through  a man of Indian Army, Vikram. Book is divided into 5 parts named Despair, Hope, The Buddha Triangle, Smile & A Call from Soul. Every part has its uniqueness and knotted with the previous one. Every part starts with the titles mentioned above with a background of grey which is not doing its job quite well as author expects. It can be attractive with different font, style and colour. Our mind feeble with the enviornment, incidents & our own imaginations. What we imagine that will reach to us in form of ideas and ideas ultimately show us the reality on the basis of actions, we do upon them. This is the...